Homoeopathy – Safe for Pregnant Moms and New borns

“I used homoeopathy prior to and during the birth of my daughter. It helped in strengthening and regulating my contractions after my waters broke. Even during the transition just before my kid was born, when fear overwhelmed me, homoeopathy provided a most miraculous gift.  It instantly calmed me down and gave me the strength to release my fears and birth my daughter with courage and love.”

~ Testimonial by a patient who was provided with a “personalized” Homoeopathic preg-kit.

Women innately know their bodies and know instinctively how to give birth, but unfortunately, the medical profession has diverted the once joyous process of pregnancy and giving birth, into a panicked and stressful medical emergency. Due to the high number of lawsuits resulting from medical negligence and vested commercial interests, doctors are now over-prescribing and doing undue elective procedures. This new attitude has brought to light increasing concern over the use of drugs during pregnancy which the fetus receives too!

Pregnant women, with good reason, are wary of these conventional medications. Some, such as thalidomide, marketed as a mild sleeping pill safe for pregnant women for ages, and Zofran, given for morning sickness have been clearly and publicly implicated in serious congenital malformation. Others, including Prozac (an antidepressant), have been shown to cause minor birth defects but they are so well-advertised that you would only discover such a problem by carefully examining the scientific literature. Then there are many that have not been adequately tested during pregnancy. Although, in general, herbs are gentler and safer than prescription medications, many are contraindicated during pregnancy. Not so with Homoeopathy!

A pregnant woman can rest assured that Homoeopathic Medicines are absolutely safe during pregnancy.

Proven remarkably quick and effective for moms during pregnancy/labor and newborn babies, these medicines are made from just about any substance in nature. You name it and it’s a potential homoeopathic treatment. Honeybee, table salt, seawater, every flower, plant or tree you can think of – they’re all potential homoeopathic medicines to treat a variety of physical, mental and emotional complaints, either acute or chronic.

If a pregnant woman inquires, “What is the one best thing I can do to ensure that my baby is born healthy?” a homoeopath’s reply would be, “Take your own constitutional medicine as early in pregnancy as possible.” Healthy prenatal diet, nutritional supplements, medical care, hygiene, lifestyle modifications and peace of mind essentially top it up. The more in balance a pregnant mom is on an energetic level, the smoother her labor is likely to proceed and greater the chances of giving birth to a vibrantly healthy baby. Though a certain number of babies will continue to be born with a variety of genetic defects or congenital abnormalities, there are no guarantees in utero, but correct homoeopathic prescribing during pregnancy simply increases the likelihood of a healthy child.

Homoeopathy can treat nearly any condition on a pregnant woman.

Morning sickness

Is perhaps the most common complaint we as doctors come across while dealing with pregnant moms. If your overall health is quite good and this is your only real complaint with symptoms quite straightforward, you may be able to treat yourself quite successfully.

Colchicum tops the list when aversion to smell of food is the strongest symptom.

Ipecac comes to rescue if vomiting is severe while Tabacum is for the most terrible nausea.

Anacardium if your nausea is better by eating.

Sepia is the remedy when your sickness gets much better from vigorous exercise or dancing, which differentiates it from the motion sickness of Tabacum and Cocculus. They are much worse, not better, from motion.

Veratrum is the medicine of choice if you are very cold, are suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, and would die for fruit, ice, and sour foods like pickles or lemons.

A woman should notice at least a 50%, often 75% or more, improvement in her nausea of pregnancy within one to two weeks after taking the proper homoeopathic medicine.

Useful Tips

  • Eat small amounts of food frequently.
  • Grab a bite before getting up from the bed in the morning.
  • Chew Saltine crackers/cookies to help relieve nausea.
  • Tea (preferably herbal) and toast are usually well-tolerated.
  • Sipping ginger root tea is a time-tested reliever of nausea. Use a one-quarter-inch slice of ginger root boiled in a cup of water for fifteen minutes.

Breech Birth

The most common and preferred position for the birth of a baby is headfirst. A breech position is when the baby is positioned in the womb to be born feet or buttocks first. A breech birth is frequently delivered by Caesarean Section. Before 36 weeks it is sometimes possible to turn the baby into the preferred position.

Multiple doses of wonder Homoeopathic drugs Pulsatilla and Natrum Muriaticum are clinically proven to help turn the baby around in the womb.


Planning for excellent prenatal and delivery care, drafting a perfect birth plan, gathering together the ideal birth team, and preparing in every other way, can increase the odds of a smooth labor and delivery, but pregnancy and labor can be full of surprises. Homoeopathy can be literally a lifesaver during difficult labor and deliveries. I recommend having on hand a homoeopathic self-care kit under the expert guidance of a trained Homoeopath.

The best homoeopathic medicine for extreme fear and anxiety due to violent/intense contractions is Aconite.

Arnica is an excellent medicine for trauma, shock, and bleeding following labor. It relieves soft tissue damage (perineum and abdomen) following birth by reducing swelling, bruising, risk of infection and promotes healing. Also, it is useful in reducing the caput/swelling of the baby’s head after birth.

If Arnica fails to ease discomfort, Bellis Perennis gives exceptional relief in bruised, sore, pelvic or abdominal tissues during pregnancy and following birth.

Shooting, nerve pains following caesarian section or perineal tears and episiotomy are well taken care of with Hypericum.

Caulophyllum is one of the best medicines for stalled labor. It can be used at term to help strengthen and tone the uterus, preparing and softening the birth canal (cervix) concurrently, prior to birth. Also helpful if labor pains fail to dilate the cervix and contractions become irregular, short and spasmodic. It co-ordinates and strengthens contractions.

If you are feeling weak after losing blood, China is of great benefit.

Cimicifuga can be a great aid for women with late and ineffective labor with cramps in the hips or pelvis. It helps to produce coordinated contractions while allaying fear and anxiety, thereby encouraging a woman to trust the birth process and open up both emotionally and physically. She may feel unable to endure labor.  Common words might be “I can’t do it.”  Incredibly useful for women who may have a painful or traumatic memory of a past pregnancy, birth, miscarriage, etc. Dysfunctional labor failing to progress, especially if the baby is lying in a posterior position.

If you feel sleepy, exhausted, and can’t keep your eyes open during labor, try Gelsemium.

To speed up the birth of an overdue baby, its Pulsatilla.

Staphisagria is the remedy that encourages quick healing of incisions or lacerated wounds. It is most useful following incision, penetration or stretching of muscle fibers after catheterization and episiotomy. It relieves feelings of anger, resentment, disappointment and emotional upset that may follow a difficult labor and birth or caesarian section.


Remedies to prepare the uterus for labor (Cimicifuga and Caulophyllum) should NEVER be used routinely in early pregnancy as they can potentially initiate contractions.  It is advised that you discuss the use of these remedies in consultation with your Homoeopathic physician.

Useful self-care tips for Labor

  • Trust your intuition! It is your body and your baby.
  • Perhaps the most important advice to cope with labor is “Breathe, breathe, breathe.”
  • Change positions as needed to remain as comfortable as possible and keep the labor moving along.
  • If you choose to use homoeopathy during your labor, have all the potential medicines available, as well as, an access to your Homoeopathic doctor if the need arises.
  • Pace yourself. Rest, sleep, relax, take a gentle walk, ask for a massage – whatever is needed to keep you focused or distracted as needed.
  • Rely on your birth team to provide you with whatever you want and need to eat and drink. Remember to push down plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
  • Don’t try to do it all yourself! This is a time for you to receive all the help you need in every way!
  • Don’t forget someone to videotape the birth if you wish to have a visual memento of your remarkable experience.

Perineal Tears and Episiotomies

Perineal massage for the duration of the pregnancy and kegel exercises can minimize the need for episiotomies. In the event of a tear, cloth-wrapped ice packs soaked with a solution of Calendula in the first 24 hours will prevent infection and promote healing. Other remedies to speed up healing are Arnica, Staphisagria, and Hypericum.

Homoeopathic help for breastfeeding moms

Homoeopathy greatly helps mothers with nursing and breastfeeding difficulties including mastitis, painful sore nipples, reduced milk supply, overabundant milk supply and emotional difficulties in breastfeeding and bonding with their babies.

Castor Equi is excellent for cracked and ulcerated nipples.

Lac caninum helps to regulate milk supply if there is not enough milk or if there is too much.  Especially useful to help ease emotional difficulties in a mother in conflict with nursing and the sexuality of her breasts.

Phytolacca is for sore, cracked nipples, which hurt when baby nurses. Also useful for breast infections (mastitis) where there are hard, sore, painful lumps.

Pulsatilla if there is an overproduction of milk or milk supply is erratic. The mother may feel very weepy and need lots of company and reassurance.

Urtica urens if the milk production is slow to get going or if there is an over or under production. It can help establish a good milk supply.

Lac Deflor stimulates the production of adequate breast milk.

Postnatal Blues

Postnatal depression affects one in every ten women. Homoeopathy can help a mother cope up better while things are settling down into a routine. Postnatal depression is expressed by weeping, or feeling hopeless, inadequate and anxious about the new pressure of motherhood. The new mom may not be able to sleep and might have little interest in daily activities. Homoeopathic remedies heading this list are –  Sepia, Natrum Muriaticum, Pulsatilla, and Platina.

Just getting more sleep and having time away from the baby can help in mild postnatal depression. It is important that women not feel isolated and are able to talk. Having a non-judgemental listener can help.

Homoeopathy offers a nourishing, healing and personalized alternative to supporting during pregnancy, childbirth and beyond for moms and their newborns. It is one of many natural therapies that can enhance your body’s own healing ability, bringing balance and well-being and thus an overall improvement in health.


Homoeopathy doesn’t interfere with conventional medicine and is ideal to use at times when you might not want to use conventional drugs OR they are contraindicated OR are proving ineffective.


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